Saturday, April 21, 2012

Worst Moments Ever

I have had so many bad moments. No joke. Here are a list of them:

1. I was at a hotel with my youth group and I had just left my room to find some breakfast and see if anybody else was awake. It was 6:45 am and I had had no sleep at all. Not even a second of it. Why? Because I have major issues with sleeping in places other than my room, the bus and my couch.Anyways, I had these giant bags under my eyes and and my hair, though I had put it in a bun, was frizzed up. My face was super pale, and I was not in a good mood. Anyways, I walked out the door and who was out there? My crush. I was like, you have got to be kidding me. But nope. He was right in front of my door and was like, "Hey, how are you?" I stared at him with this mean look (I felt so bad afterwards) and said "good." Seriously? That's all I could say to the guy that I liked? Only me. I wanted to slap myself. Hard. That is not what you say and that is not how you look at one of the sweetest guys on earth.

2. So there was this guy who came to my house with his dad and younger brother. The guy was my age and was actaully kind of cute. Let's say his name is....Bob. But they all chose the wrong moment to come. I had just woken up, and my dad needed help with his gps. He was outside, and I was in my not so attractive pajamas. I have the worst hair moments ever. My hair was legitly standing up. It could not be tamed. Lol. I hadn't had any breakfast, which made me cranky and I didn't even brush my teeth. Why me? I walked out to help my dad and guess what? Bob and his family had just driven in. I looked at my dad in horror and what does he do? He forced me to go shake hands with all of them. But when I got to Bob, I just ran off back into my house. I know. I know. I probably made an "incredible" impression on them. My mom and sisters were laughing at me, because they saw how red my face was.

I'll post some more bad moments on here. Hope you enjoyed these two!

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Thanks and God Bless!

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